Saturday, June 12, 2010

Robert Wyatt- Rock Bottom

This is my act of contrition for failing to post for awhile. A quick note, you may have noticed i am no longer posting the full album under each post, rather I am now posting a link to a youtube video for a song off of the mentioned album. This is to avoid any future problems of a legal nature. That being said, I do own everything I post, and half the allure is that some of this is really rare stuff. So, new policy: liked the youtube for the day? Really want the full album? Two conditions: first, you have to be a follower of Starry Eyes (unless you got a good excuse) and second, you have to shoot me an email with the post title of the album you want in the subject line (or some way for me to know which album it is you desire). I'll fire a link your way as soon as I check the old email.

So back to the music. Robert Wyatt is the frontman/drummer/singer of Soft Machine. Although he released a solo album before "Rock Bottom", Wyatt considers this to be the first in his cannon solo releases. He originally intended to form a new band, but the project was scrapped after he fell out of a fourth story window, permanently loosing the use of his legs. He spent the time in the hospital refining the album. The result was a dense, deeply personal album. The sea theme carries throughout, but it never crosses the line into silly as some concept albums do. REALLY REALLY RECOMMEND THIS:

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