Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Peter King- Shango

Peter King is probably the best tenor saxophonist of all time. Sonny Rollins and Coltrane, eat your heart out. His instrument has a unique voice and a tone that is all his own. The arrangements on his album "Shango" are to die for as well. Lush, and packed to the brim with hints of vocals, chants, sweet flutes, dueling horns, and looping guitar riffs. This is pretty rare, and if there ever were a thing to take the time and get from me (all you have to do is send an email!) this is it! Check out the title track:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Robert Wyatt- Rock Bottom

This is my act of contrition for failing to post for awhile. A quick note, you may have noticed i am no longer posting the full album under each post, rather I am now posting a link to a youtube video for a song off of the mentioned album. This is to avoid any future problems of a legal nature. That being said, I do own everything I post, and half the allure is that some of this is really rare stuff. So, new policy: liked the youtube for the day? Really want the full album? Two conditions: first, you have to be a follower of Starry Eyes (unless you got a good excuse) and second, you have to shoot me an email with the post title of the album you want in the subject line (or some way for me to know which album it is you desire). I'll fire a link your way as soon as I check the old email.

So back to the music. Robert Wyatt is the frontman/drummer/singer of Soft Machine. Although he released a solo album before "Rock Bottom", Wyatt considers this to be the first in his cannon solo releases. He originally intended to form a new band, but the project was scrapped after he fell out of a fourth story window, permanently loosing the use of his legs. He spent the time in the hospital refining the album. The result was a dense, deeply personal album. The sea theme carries throughout, but it never crosses the line into silly as some concept albums do. REALLY REALLY RECOMMEND THIS:

Soft Machine- The Soft Machine

Here is a criminally neglected prog/psych band. Led by songwriting powerhouse Robert Wyatt, the group was huge in the underground Canterbury scene in the late sixties. While the line up frequently changed, the only constant was Wyatt, with his almost ghostly wail floating above every track. On this first album, the band veers from jazz freakouts to proto-drone pieces. Truly a weird band (they out early Floyd to shame), please please please give a listen:

Leon Haywood- Come and Get Yourself Some

Leon Haywood is perhaps best known for being the source material for Dr. Dre's "Nuthin But a G Thang". But folks, he is oh so much more. "Come and Get Yourself Some" is one of the silliest, most overtly sexual soul albums I have ever heard (let's use body heat- literally a line in "Come and Get Yourself Some"). There isn't much more to say about this album, it is genius, but simple. Lay your lady down to this tonight:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

XTC- English Settlement

I am really tired of running into people who have never heard the majesty that is XTC. XTC is the kind of band that warrants rabid, frothing-mouth fandom. You should probably own their entire catalogue. You damn kids, with your hippity hop and Justin Tumberlicks (only kidding). Another band that is difficult to classify, XTC started out making jagged post-punk in the vein of Gang of Four and eventually moved to more lush and complex compositions, often being placed in the "new wave" genre. Songwriting duties were split between frontman Andy Partridge and bassist Colin Moulding, with Partridge writing the bulk of the material. This is just brilliant stuff: catchy, verbose, and meaningful. If you have missed them, don't go out until you here this album; then get everything else:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Mekons- The Mekons Rock 'N' Roll

Sorry for no post yesterday, had the LCD Soundsystem concert to go to. I'll make it up to everyone with today's post though. Meet the Mekons, a first wave punk group from Leeds. Meeting at the University of Leeds, they formed out of the same group of kids who would go on to form Gang of Four and Delta 5. The Mekons sound is a hard one to describe, with people often denoting a "country" sound. While this certainly isn't George Strait, many of these tracks have all the twangy jangle and heartbreak of a good country song. I picked "Rock 'N' Roll" up on vinyl on a whim, and it really hasn't come off the turntable since. Listen listen listen:

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Only Ones- The Only Ones

Yep the picture is upside down. On porpoise, i assure you. Meet The Only Ones, a great english rock band from the 70s who gained new life after their fantastic single "Another Girl, Another Planet" was used in a Vodaphone advertisement. It is really hard to put these guys in a genre. A bit harder than most of their power pop contemporaries, they also channel bits of early glam rock. "Another Girl" is certainly the highlight of the album, but the backup vocals on "City of Fun" are pretty sweet. Managed to pick this little gem up on vinyl. Hope you enjoy it too:

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Moussa Doumbia- Keleya

Moussa Doumbia was a saxophonist and arranger from Mali. Not a whole exists from Moussa, but one of his documents left behind was Keleya, an album that bridges the gap between the raw funk sound of James Brown with sweet African rhythms. Many gems on this album, but certainly check out "Black & White", an infectious chunk of cheap sounding keyboard and pidgin English. Check it out:

Friday, June 4, 2010

Shoes- Black Vinyl Shoes

Shoes are a band from Zion, Illinois. Formed by brothers Jeff and John Murphy and their high school friend Gary Klebe. Initially, none of the boys could play any instruments, so they decided to each pick an instrument and reunite in a year. The results were amazing. Recording in Jeff's living room on a 4 track recorder, the boys made their self released effort "Black Vinyl Shoes". Sweet jangly wonderful power pop. Lo-fi done the right way. Check it out:

Welcome All

Hey guys, everyday I am going to post a band and hopefully either a full album or a couple of tracks to sample. The main focus is going to be buried gems. Come everyday to get your fixxxxxxx